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Differential Equations

Explicit Runge-Kutta method.

The OdeExplicitRungeKutta45 class solves an initial-value problem for nonstiff ordinary differential equations using the explicit Runge Kutta method of order (4)5.

 In this example the OdeExplicitRungeKutta45 class is used to solve the Euler equations of a rigid body without external forces:

   y0' = y1 * y2 ,                 y0(0)=0       
   y1' = -y0 * y2,                 y1(0)=1 
   y2' = -0.51 * y0 * y1,          y2(0)=1  

C# Code

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DotNumerics.ODE;
namespace DotNumericsDemo.DifferentialEquations
    public partial class ExplicitRungeKutta : Form
        private OdeExplicitRungeKutta45 odeRK = new OdeExplicitRungeKutta45();
        private void Solve()
            OdeFunction fun = new OdeFunction(ODEs);
            double[] y0 = new double[3];
            y0[0] = 0;
            y0[1] = 1;
            y0[2] = 1;
            this.odeRK.InitializeODEs(fun, 3);
            double[,] sol = odeRK.Solve(y0, 0, 0.03, 15);
        //Euler equations of a rigid body without external forces.
        //y0' = y1 * y2 ,                 y0(0)=0       
        //y1' = -y0 * y2,                 y1(0)=1 
        //y2' = -0.51 * y0 * y1,          y2(0)=1     
        double[] yprime = new double[3];
        private double[] ODEs(double t, double[] y)
            yprime[0] = y[1] * y[2];
            yprime[1] = -y[0] * y[2];
            yprime[2] = -0.51 * y[0] * y[1];
            return this.yprime;


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